Aphasia Fundraising Donate Aphasia, a language disorder caused by brain damage, is an illness that affects a significant number of individuals, particularly those who have suffered from strokes. Although not widely known, it can have profound effects on personal and work lives by making reading, writing, and number comprehension difficult. In the United Kingdom alone, approximately 335,000 people are impacted by Aphasia.In light of this, I would like to bring your attention to the amazing work of Say Aphasia, a charity that not only raises awareness about this illness but also provides vital support to those living with Aphasia. Through their drop-in groups, both online and in-person, they offer a safe and supportive environment for individuals, irrespective of whether they have been living with Aphasia for an extended period or have recently been diagnosed. These sessions not only provide a space for individuals to share their frustrations but also offer opportunities to learn new techniques and adaptations for navigating their new way of life. It is an invaluable platform for connecting with others who face similar challenges.Say Aphasia's efforts highlight the importance of understanding and acknowledging this illness, which can profoundly impact the lives of our friends and family. I definitely encourage you to consider making a donation to support Say Aphasia's ongoing work in providing crucial support to individuals and families affected by Aphasia. Please follow the link provided to contribute, as any amount would be greatly appreciated by both myself and Say Aphasia. Together, let us work towards a better understanding and support system for those affected by Aphasia. Georgina Freeborn Manage Cookie Preferences